Marc Antonio and J.Lo

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I met a guy on a random night at the downtown bars (that I swore off) and I’ve hung out with him everyday for the past week since then. Who does that?

I guess I do. But we have the most non-serious...whatever you want to call it. So random. As always. But it’s exactly what I need right now.

So yeah. It’s really fun. He’s an Academy grad on casual status here until he leaves in December for pilot training. I’m into him, but I’m not that into him. Which is good as long as he’s into me, but not that into me. You know what I mean, jelly bean? Anyway, Justin’s the typical I-just-got-let-out-of-the-Zoo-and-I-don’t-know-what-to-do-with-myself guy. So he’s a year younger than me…but he acts like he’s 18.

Which I find really amusing. Because I haven’t really decided yet if I think he’s really confident, or just plain arrogant. Because he totally rides that line and I totally called him out on it. And then he admitted it. So as you can imagine, our conversations mainly consist of him talking a lot of shit about how badass he is, and me calling him out on all of it and shooting him down, which of course he’s not used to so it’s that much better because he gets crazy defensive. I’m not sure what Justin thinks, but naturally his roommates (casual status pilots too) think I’m just hilarious.

Actually, I do know what Justin thinks. He told me his last girlfriend set the bar as a pain in the ass, but I hurdled that shit like it wasn’t even there and kept on running. I laughed hysterically and pointed out that he’s the one still calling me begging for more. So I told him he provokes all of it and might as well be handing it to me on a silver platter, because he does.

So then he said it was like him shooting a BB gun at my butt, and then me unleashing an M-16 right at his knee caps. I thought that was damn funny.

Because, well, it’s probably true. 99% of the time I’m just playing around with him counteracting his crap, but his head’s as big as one of those hot air balloons in the Albuquerque Balloon Festival that needs a little bit of deflation anyway. I told him he was too used to girls smiling and giggling at his crap. He laughed at me. So I like to think I’m just helping him out a little bit. Because if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t say anything, right?

I’m not sure he believed that, but apparently he’s intrigued or amused or something. It’s really funny. So yeah. And the best part is, it’s as far from serious as you can get, so unlike with Rockstar and then with Miles, I don’t feel like I need to run away. Yet.

For example, I’ve just been hanging out at his apartment everyday, watching the World Series with him, throwing the football around, shooting down his BS, whatever. But yesterday he said something to the affect of, “if you would actually answer your phone at a decent hour after work maybe we could actually go to dinner or something.”

Because he couldn’t just ask me on a date. Because that would be serious. And it might mean he likes me.